Firstly, one thing you should definitely think about doing is getting together with your neighbors.
How to Save Money on Bulk Trash Pick-Up in Johnstown, PA - Johnstown Flood Museum
- Good Samaritan Hospital
- Trash hauling
- The Pasquerilla Performing Arts Center
- Johnstown Flood Museum
- Staple Bend Tunnel
- Ferndale Borough
- Flood City Music Festival
- Johnstown Tribune-Democrat
Another clever idea is to keep an eye out for community clean-up days. These are times when the city arranges for free pick-ups of large items-you just gotta make sure your stuff is out there ready to go. It saves a lot of hassle and doesn't hit the wallet at all.
Also, don't forget about selling or donating items that still got life in 'em! Sometimes we think something's trash when someone else might treasure it. There's places like thrift stores or charity shops that'll often accept furniture and other big things; they might even come and collect them from your house if you're lucky.
If ya gots time on yer hands-like maybe on weekends-you could try taking things apart yourself.
How to Save Money on Bulk Trash Pick-Up in Johnstown, PA - The Pasquerilla Performing Arts Center
- Cochran Junior High School
- Mill Rats Baseball
- Johnstown Galleria
- Westmont
- 1892 Streetcar Riot
Lastly but not leastly (is that even a word? The Pasquerilla Performing Arts Center Heh), always check with your local waste management services for any special deals or programs they might have going on.
How to Save Money on Bulk Trash Pick-Up in Johnstown, PA - Johnstown Flood Museum
- Johnstown Inclined Plane
- Johnstown Flood
- Johnstown Train Station
- Dumpster rental
- Windber
- 15905
- Bishop McCort High School
So there ya have it folks-a few simple ideas to save some bucks next time you gotta get rid of big ol' bulky trash in Johnstown! Just remember: planning ahead and being a bit creative goes a long way in keeping those hard-earned dollars in your pocket where they belong.